Reply To: Carburator Fix – Help! 750 LTD S1 -82

Home Forums All Things 750 Twin Technical Garage How To Fix It Carburator Fix – Help! 750 LTD S1 -82 Reply To: Carburator Fix – Help! 750 LTD S1 -82



Can anyone explain or have a schematics of how the vacuum hoses shall run? My bike has one vacuum hose connected from the left carburetor to the air box via the below picture. The right carburetor is connected to the petcock. The T on the carburetor is connected to a yellow hose and assume this is an evac from the carburetors….

Again, there’s a nozzle in the hose going from the left carburetor and the air box, wonder why its there if not needed or if someone put it there for a reason.

Wonder how the hell bike could run good first time I started it 2 years ago….

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