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The Flat Tracker “Tangerine Dream” is finally morphing into “Glemseck” – the Sixties style Cafe Racer – Turbo’d !
I already have some old style Tarozzi clip ons [ correct size ! ]and a choice of seat bases, although I’ll probably go with the AJS 7R style.
I’m just waiting for some measurements to come through before committing / ordering the following.
The fairing top will give me somewhere to hang the various gauges [ boost, oil pressure for Turbo and engine ]and eventually nitrous oxide paraphenalia. Maybe even the NOS bottle.
The Manx “tank” is in fact a cover only. That means I can use a stock steel KZ tank without having to worry about ethanol etc., but still have the styling I want.
I will be on the lookout for the smallest tank that will fit [ one of the custom jobbies ? ]and of course the cosmetic condition is irrelevant – in fact the more battered – the cheaper – I can use that. As long as it’s sound and petrol proof it will do.
Big shout out again for Kennys for the loan of sump and various bits so I can continue the mock up.