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Hi TJ,
haha, the dual spark plug solutions look very similar to each other 😉
Martin is using the stock LTD pointless ignition with two dual ignition coils.
These must have a resistance of 2,2 to max. 3 Ohms, as recommended for electronic ignitions. Do not(!) use the stock ignition coils of the B-models. Their coils are made for breaker ignition and have 5 Ohms.
Any aftermarket (e.g. Dyna) or even coils out of an inline 4-cylinder bike in the 1980s like Kawa GPZ (400 to 1100), Honda Bol d’Or (CB750/900/1100), etc. would do the job. They typically use dual output coils. Important is that the donator bike has an electronic ignition to ensure correct resistance.
I have bought a Sachse ignition, but it is not mounted yet:
Two other guys from Germany have it already in use and they state it is working perfectly.
It can be set to stop revving at 7.000rpm or to stop at 7.800rpm, which are the max. allowed stock rpms.
It has 9 preset, but selectable ignition curves and all of them are enhanced versus the stock ignition curve.
You will find the diagrams here:
Another provider is Ignitech from Czech Republic, but they do offer just full programmable ignition units (boxes), no sensors, no rotors.
Cheers, Michael
Below the stock ignition curve, the Sachse ignition and a Dyna ignition coil I bought, too.