Re: Re: Marko’s Z 750 S1

Home Forums All Things 750 Twin Your Lonesome and you Marko’s Z 750 S1 Re: Re: Marko’s Z 750 S1


Hi Marko,

as far as I know this kind of tyres, they are constructed and made for heavy weight cruisers / choppers.
V2 with 1400-1600ccm/300+kg

Typically their grip is bad and it takes ages to get them to a “warm condition” where they might work properly.

Better to go for a “light weight vehicle tire” up to 500 ccm.
That would serve the Twin better 😉

I know some guys riding Avon tyres, but not aware of any model number.

After 15 or maybe 20 years of experience with Kawa 750 Twins I urge you to get the BT45s.

What ever you do, don’t do that!
Kiss a pig or use Metzeler ME33/55/77/88/99!
These Metzelers (except ME99 rear, it has grip and it lasts less than 3.000km!) last for ever and they don’t have any grip 🙁

No grip, no fun !

Cheers, Michael

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