Home › Forums › The Trading Post › Bike Related Sales and Wants › AIR BOX TO CARB RUBBERS 34 & 38mm › Re: Re: AIR BOX TO CARB RUBBERS 34 & 38mm

Hi AtLarge,
thank you for your confirmation of the order.
It is counted in and production has started.
Reiner can’t produce more than 4 boots (2 pairs) per full day.
As I understand you don’t have a rush.
For me it is the same.
So expect the boots to be finished in January 2017 plus shipping time from Germany to you.
Once having these boots in your airbox, the removal and reassambly of the carbs is a job of 5 minutes (together, not each: out and in). It is really easy with these boots.
Ok, you may want to disassamble the fuel tank first, which needs additional time 😉
Thank you and all the best,