Re: Re: Marko’s Z 750 S1

Home Forums All Things 750 Twin Your Lonesome and you Marko’s Z 750 S1 Re: Re: Marko’s Z 750 S1


Hi Marko,

much better now 🙂

This cable will fit your bike but it is still the long version for LTD and the high steering bar.

You may run it with a long curve over the headlight to right hand side and then close to the steering bearing / head stock down it’s normal way at left hand “down frame tube”(?) using the stock frame clamps or just cable ties.

The “Kawaschrauber” is a good guy, I have bought several parts from him 🙂

Maybe you can find the clutch cable for a B-model somewhere ?
You may run that with a nice bend downwards on left hand side only, placing it close to head stock and then down the standard way.

Should fit your bike and the lower steering bar better 🙂

Cheers, Michael

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