Re: Re: Valve Lifter Holder – will this fit?

Home Forums All Things 750 Twin Technical Garage How To Fix It Valve Lifter Holder – will this fit? Re: Re: Valve Lifter Holder – will this fit?


Hi Hans,

CMSNL is a very good source for information 😉
Especially their parts diagrams and the stock part numbers are great.

A lot of parts are not available anymore as NOS (new old stock) and CMS is dealing with that.

Their prices are quite high, as all the other NOS dealer have 🙁
Shipping from CMS is expensive, check that before ordering anything.

Another well known supplier is PARTZILLA in the USA.

In the UK there is

In Germany there is a guy looking after typical replacement parts for our Twins.
You may find his parts list (in german language, but with pics) here:
These are the old lists, updated ones available in the german Twin Forum or just sent me an e-mail and I will forward them to you.

BTW: The valve tool is available as aftermarket product and much cheaper there, but quality is not so good.
I have ruined one of these cheap tools during first use.

Cheers, Michael

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