Boardtracker project

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    With my health issues not resolved but stabilised, time for one last project ?? Having ended up with the early motor [ Weber ] as a “spare” and not suitable for the blower – what to do with it ?

    On a recent cull in my garage [ continuing cull ] I came across a hoard of Boardtracker parts I had been collecting for one of my Yamaha TR1 projects. They’ve sat in the back of my garage pretty well forgotten. I’m pretty sure we’ve all built a project around “that one piece” that’s too good NOT to use. In my case – a Brand New 1910 La Francaise Diamant” flat tank !

    Ideally the motor should have been a Vee Twin or early Brit single [ J.A.P., BSA, Enfield ] but as they are all stupid money, I decided to look at the possibility of using the spare KZ lump.

    THEN I spotted this Norton Boardtracker …………………. sympathetic colourways and accessories [ loads of copper / brass ] and I think I might pull it off.

    The Glemseck project is NOT being sidelined, but with my build buddy Brian very enthusiastic about the BT, it will be built alongside. Fortunately I have ALL of the big lumps – engine, wheels, forks, frame, as well as all the aforementioned goodies. The frame [ KZ750 – thanx to the generosity of Rich ] will be modded to resemble the Norton version and the forks …………. well with girder forks in the region of £500 +, I have come up with a cunning plan that even Baldrick would be proud of. Take a pair of early BSA Bantam [ USD ] forks – as in the good old GPO telegram boys, and disguise the look. Time will tell if I succeeded.

    KK and others that despair of my lack of respect [ not really ] for OEM machinery – the frame is without V5 and destined for the skip, so NO wrecked potential OEM bike.


    • This topic was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by beachcomber.

    That. Would look cool

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