
  • Hi,looks good to me,it will give my wife something hold onto,please let me know when the next order goes in,cheers jimmyjaz

  • Fantastic rebuild,loved the story behind the bike,just do me a favour and don’t ride anywhere in Northumberland as it will put mine to shame when I eventually get it finished cheers

  • Hi yes so I found out,also I have been told they are all flat out,as everyone seems to be doing a rebuild in lockdown,will probably just spray the down pipes and collector box as I am hoping to have it on the road as soon as possible.Strange coincidence with the bike magazine front page article in the library’s section I have just found the bike…[Read more]

  • Thanks for the info,I have now checked out my old bike who my mate has had striped for 10 years and the good news is the 2-1 system is salvageable just needs rechroming and a new silencer,probably a reverse cone which you can pick up for £70.I should have my project bike delivered this Friday,Can’t wait to check it out cheers jj

  • Afternoon yes you are probably right on the rebuilding of the engine,it will give you peace of mind when it’s all done,and you seem to be flying along.My rebuild is doddle as it just needs finishing off,its 90% done judging by the photos I am still trying to organise transportation to get it up here.I have another one in bits up the road that a…[Read more]

  • Afternoon,I’ve never seen a bike that has taken so much abuse,and you must have no fear of any project.I would look into a replacement engine as there is a few on the internet for £350,which in the long run would work out cheaper than a total rebuild.If you do source an engine just make sure it turns over ok and check it has compression on both…[Read more]

  • Afternoon,just joined the club as I’ve just bought a B1,just got to organise its transport up here.I had a couple of them 40 years ago,and still have one in assorted bits,so looking forward to getting the new arrival on the road.The only problem will be trying to source an exhaust system for it as the web hasn’t helped.I assume all twin owners…[Read more]

  • jimmyjaz posted an update 3 years, 5 months ago

    Afternoon,just joined the club as I’ve just bought a B1,just got to organise its transport up here.I had a couple of them 40 years ago,and still have one in assorted bits,so looking forward to getting the new arrival on the road,just needs a wee bit work,the only problem will be sorting out an exhaust ,and searching the web hasn’t helped.I assume…[Read more]

    • Hi Jimmyjaz and welcome to the forum. For best results and response this is better posted in the New Members Introductions section of the forum. Just scroll to the bottom.



  • jimmyjaz became a registered member 3 years, 5 months ago